Friday, October 18, 2024

How to Make Money from WordPress with Affiliate Marketing?

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Of late, most of the marketing activities have moved online, and businesses are spending considerable resources to have a robust online presence to boost their brand. It has also opened a channel for influencers to make some money through affiliate marketing. Studies show an enormous growth prospect in affiliate marketing with the annual spending projected to be around US$ 6.8 billion. 

If you initiate an online search, you will find several emails in response to your query that would speak about easy returns. It is suggested that you understand the basics of affiliate marketing before venturing out. In this article, we will discuss some of the ways by which you can make some money using your WordPress website through affiliate marketing.

Create Enticing Blogs

You must stick to the products about which you have adequate knowledge to create blogs. You must write on various aspects of the products you have chosen and even write a few listicles covering that sector. And, only writing blogs will not help, but you must know the preferences of your audience and write accordingly. 

While writing, you must also ensure the blogs and articles are optimized using the relevant keywords and suitable for SEO activities later. You can take the help of several keyword optimization tools to help you search for the ideal keywords to boost SEO juice. Always remember that you maintain the proper keyword density and do not stuff the article with keywords at unnecessary places.

Use HTTPS for Your Website

It is essential that your audience finds your website trustworthy and can visit your website to gain knowledge about the solutions you are propagating. The website must be on HTTPS that encrypts the communication between the web server and the browser of the visitor. 

The communication can be decoded only by the recipient using a key. If you have sub-domains for the several product lines, you may buy a cheap Wildcard SSL certificate to provide security for all the sub-domains. A secure website will prevent visitors from moving away from the site due to distrust, and you can add great amount of revenue from your website too.

Know Where to Use Affiliate Links on Your Site

You must know the importance of having proper call-to-action (CTA) links, icons, or buttons to entice your audience to take that action which you desire. However, you must not use too many such CTAs on a single page. It would help if you clubbed some links together in a page that talks about those set of products. 

It will be easier for visitors to go through a proper workflow through your affiliate site that will lead to a sale. The links must also be relevant to the content on a page; otherwise, it will lose its relevance for the visitor. It would help if you continually resorted to A/B testing about where to place the banners and links on your website, which will maximize the returns for you.

Use Social Media to the Fullest

Studies show that at least 67.32% of affiliate marketers interact with their audience through social media. It is suggested to have a proper plan to utilize social media to propagate the products you have chosen. The platforms selected by you must be ideal based on the product portfolio, and you must have a proper mix of relevant social media channels for improved mindshare among your audience. 

An enticing post every alternate day can be an ideal platform to bring in more visitors to your site. You may also create social media groups and discuss relevant topics to showcase your thought leadership capabilities in your field of excellence. The social media channels can also be used to showcase periodic campaigns that must be tracked to gauge consumer behaviour on an ongoing basis.

Highlight Successes

The best way to propagate your message is to highlight your successes. You may allow the customers to write testimonials as studies show that people look out for product reviews before a purchase decision. You may also create small videos where customers talk about their experiences after using the products. 

Your website may have thumbnails leading to the videos that would be uploaded on your YouTube channel. It is critical to understand the videos your audience is viewing, which will help you understand their behaviour and help you focus on creating more such videos. It would be best if you informed visitors about the most read blogs and articles while you make more content around those topics.


Affiliate marketing is the new buzzword, and you can monetize if you follow a few simple tips. Your WordPress site must infuse a sense of trust among your audience. As discussed above, you must buy a cheap Wildcard SSL certificate that will ensure security for all your sub-domains. You must have a robust plan in place about how to propagate your website that must also include a lot about your social media activities. In this article, we have discussed some of the tips to help you in your affiliate marketing venture. So, hop on board an affiliate program and get going.