Friday, October 18, 2024

New to an international school? Tips from a pro

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As the summer break gradually comes to an end, parents are beginning to prepare for their children’s return to school while teachers and school authorities are already planning lessons, fixing bulletin boards, and cleaning classes and rooms. 

If you are a student who is preparing to start in an international school, you will be required to adapt to a new culture, a new environment, a new set of friends and in some cases a new language. Adapting to a new experience and environment can be quite challenging so, here are a few tips to help you transition into the new international school faster. 

Take Advantage of all Opportunities to be in School Before Resumption

Some schools often have pre-resumption activities such as sporting club registrations, welcoming parties for new and returning students and parents, to mention a few. Take advantage of such opportunities to walk around and familiarize yourself with the school environment and where different facilities are located.

Even more, use the opportunity to learn about the school’s calendar and timetable as this would help parents to know how to prepare their children’s day. That said, it will also help the child prevent cases of entering the class or wondering about finding his or her way after resumption. 

Another advantage of visiting the school before resumption is that it will help parents know whether they need to go shopping for other school items that may be different from those of the child’s previous school. This could be a new backpack, a hat, a sweatshirt, or even a specific pencil set.

Listen More and React Less

Although it can be a bit difficult to listen and not react to certain things you are not comfortable with your child. You will need to come to terms with the fact that die to the change in environment and school, your child might sometimes feel discouraged or despair. However, ensure as a parent that you provide them the needed encouragement and support to keep going. 

While some kids might take adjust into their new school, others might take up to six months. Notwithstanding, ensure you let your child know that getting to know people and building friendship takes time so they shouldn’t be in a hurry or feel discouraged. 

Interestingly, most international schools have several activities that help to promote bonding among students. 

Know the Traditions and Holidays of your new country. 

You will need to carry out a research and ask question from those who have lived in your new country for a longer period. Ask questions about the people, what they like, their beliefs, how they celebrate, as well as things you need. 

For instance, in Germany you will need to buy a lantern for your child as it will come in handy during the Sankt Martinstag parade. That’s not all, during birthdays you may need to leave candy in a boot in front of your house or play St. Nikolaus.

Stay in Touch With Your Child’s Teachers

When children have a bad day, they tend to down play everything about it making it feel like catastrophe. On the other hand, when they have a good day they are so excited that they forget to share how their day went. 

As a result, it is important to regularly mail, text or call your child’s teachers to fi d out how your child is doing. The feedback you receive from their teachers cam be reassuring and will also help you know the areas you need to help you child tobenna better. 


In all, even though adjusting and fitting into a nee I international school can be a bit difficult and will require time, our pro tips will make it easier and faster. If you are still looking for an international school for your child, then you schould consider Invictus Singapore.

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